Nicolet High School's
Theater Education
The theater classes at Nicolet satisfy students’ needs in two ways. For the student who is actively seeking involvement in performance or stage crew, the classes provide the necessary basis. Additionally, if the student is curious about theater, they can receive an overview that will enhance their appreciation of theater as an art form.
Acting 1 covers the basic concepts of acting. Through exercises, readings, and scene preparation, students explore acting as an art form. Other basic theatre concepts are also studied in order to provide students with an overview of the various opportunities and facets of theater.
This course is for the serious acting student. Students will extend the basic knowledge they have acquired of acting from the Acting I class. Exercises will be individually chosen for the students in order to stretch their creative ability. Lessons over the semester will include in depth character analysis across different genres of theatrical material. Students must be motivated to create on a high artistic level and have previously taken Acting 1.
A “hands-on” class that studies the backstage skills necessary for the production of a play. Projects include scenery construction, lighting, sound, stage management and design. Students are encouraged to join Nicolet’s stage crew after.
Technical Theater 2 is a “hands-on” class that extends the backstage skills necessary for the production of a play that is acquired in the prerequisite, Technical Theater 1. Second year students will also take a more active leadership role in the management of the theater as well as outside productions produced at school. In addition, students will apply their knowledge of backstage tasks by doing independent projects that will allow the stage to function efficiently Independent work designed by the student and instructor.
This course explores theater from an audience point of view. This is not a performance based class but in order to appreciate theatre, students will engage in some activities that require them to work in groups and present as a group. Areas of study include: play viewing (video) and reading, performance evaluation, technical theater awareness, musical theater, and careers in the theater.
Independent work designed by the student and instructor acting. Students must be motivated to create on a high artistic level.
All classes except for Independent Study span across one semester.